Finance & Operations

Finance & Operations

Transparency At A Glance

As a publicly funded institution Monroe County Community College is committed to providing information including financial reports to the public. The following information complies with Sec. 209 in P.A. 144 of 2022, the education omnibus budget bill, which required community colleges to publish a transparency web page and stipulates the content.

Budgeted Fiscal Year 2023-2024 general fund revenue from tuition and fees: $6,986,299

Budgeted Fiscal Year 2023-2024 general fund revenue from state appropriations: $6,257,950

Budgeted Fiscal Year 2023-2024 general fund revenue from property taxes: $14,906,295

Budgeted Fiscal Year 2023-2024 total general fund revenue: $28,748,814

Budgeted Fiscal Year 2023-2024 general fund expenditures: $28,748,814


FY 2024-2025 General Fund Revenue and Expenditure Projections:

Total general fund revenue (estimated): $31,204,501

Total general fund expenses (estimated): $31,204,501

Project: HVAC Project – Debt Obligation $16,151,962

2023-2024 Principal Payment: $1,093,899

2023-2024 Interest Payment: $332,518

6/30/2023 Outstanding Principal: $9,906,895

6/30/2024 Outstanding Principal: $8,812,936

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Reporting

Accreditation Information

Higher Learning Commission

230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Phone: 800.621.7440 